divendres, 13 de maig del 2016

#1 Weekly report

This week I continued with the development process. I started discussing with my mentor Daniel about implementation and design details of the new LibraryViewManager (I explained some of it in the previous weekly report).
The current idea of the LibraryViewManager will interact with a new interface called WLibraryFeature (different from LibraryFeature class). This Library Features will be organised inside of stacked widgets (WLibraryStack) and every one of this stacks will contain a couple of buttons allowing the user to add, remove or select Library Features. 

All of this allows not only the skin designer but also the user a lot of freedom in creating his custom layout. I've created a UML of this design:

Also during this week I worked with the following bugs:
This still have to be merged and it took more time than I expected because I had to learn how Mixxx stores the user data. I discovered the Mixxx.cfg file and the Settings table in the SQLite database. Also in this pull request ( https://github.com/mixxxdj/mixxx/pull/947)  we discussed how user data should be saved and finally.
I finished this bug that I started the last week and it's finally merged

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